Eat for the Planet Seminar

What activity do each of us perform at least three (often more) times daily and has a significant impact on our health, carbon footprint, happiness, and identity, as well as the welfare of animals with which we share this planet? If you guessed eating, you are right. Suzanna and I are hosting a meetup, EatContinue reading “Eat for the Planet Seminar”

Cancer Gets Personal

It seems like not too long ago when I didn’t know anyone with cancer and then it seemed to hit, like summer here in Seattle…One day it’s 50 degrees and raining, and the next, boom, it’s hot and sticky summer weather. All of a sudden all around us, just like, for me, cancer. In 2011Continue reading “Cancer Gets Personal”

Why This Blog?

I am creating a new blog. A blog I call The Whole Geek. You probably want to know why? Because I feel I have something useful to say in the respect of wholeness for techies. Here are the three basic categories of posts I anticipate covering in this blog: Fitness & diet Sustainability & theContinue reading “Why This Blog?”