Homemade hemp milk

Ever since becoming vegan, I have been on a mission to find the perfect non-dairy milk for my lattes. I thought I found it in Pacific Foods Original Hemp Milk. That is, until I read the ingredient list and realized it contained things like brown rice syrup and xanthan gum. Brown rice syrup comes withContinue reading “Homemade hemp milk”

Vegan for Life

Until 2013, Suzanna and I were pescetarians for some time. That is, we had been eating a vegetarian diet along with some animal products: eggs, milk and dairy products, and sustainably-raised seafood. We tried to concentrate on sustainable organic minimally-processed foods as much as possible which required constant vigilance. At the same time, we bothContinue reading “Vegan for Life”

Eat for the Planet Seminar

What activity do each of us perform at least three (often more) times daily and has a significant impact on our health, carbon footprint, happiness, and identity, as well as the welfare of animals with which we share this planet? If you guessed eating, you are right. Suzanna and I are hosting a meetup, EatContinue reading “Eat for the Planet Seminar”

Making that Low-Carbon Resolution Stick

During January, I shared with you my four low carbon footprint resolution ideas: eat more plants, use less energy, buy less stuff, and talk and advocate for change. I often think about this column when I run. And this past Saturday I was on a long run on Cougar Mountain while I listened to oneContinue reading “Making that Low-Carbon Resolution Stick”

Resolution for the New Year: Eat More Plants and Less Animals

January is the month of New Year’s resolutions. Why not make a resolution that can improve yourself while also lowering your carbon footprint? During January, I will focus each week on a different climate saving resolution. My hope is that by the end of the month, you will find one or more maybe two resolutionsContinue reading “Resolution for the New Year: Eat More Plants and Less Animals”

Taking Care of the Planet during the Pandemic

The website earthday.org recently published an article on actions you can take for the planet even while practicing good social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Here is a slightly-edited version of the list. I hope this list inspires you with at least one great idea: Go plant-based. More than likely you have extraContinue reading “Taking Care of the Planet during the Pandemic”

Eat More Plants

We make many decisions in our lives each day that impact our carbon footprints. Surprisingly, one of the most significant decisions to affect climate change is the food on our plates.  The food on our plates you say? Yes, and here’s why: The raising of livestock for meat, eggs and milk generates 15-20% of globalContinue reading “Eat More Plants”

Building a Better Muffin

Vegan, No Oil, No Sugar, Whole Wheat Banana Muffins I’m always trying to make recipes better. I find that there are lots and lots of wonderful recipes out there, but when it comes to baked goods, most people give up and succumb to the white flour, white sugar, butter/margarine/oil onslaught that fills shelves and stomachsContinue reading “Building a Better Muffin”

Tasty and Healthy Homemade Granola

Paul and I like to eat granola but frankly most of the granola out there that you can buy is full of fat and sugar, and over-processed. Making your own granola, however, is quite easy. My granola recipe is influenced by Kathleen Daeleman’s crunchy granola recipe from her book Cooking Thin with Chef Kathleen, butContinue reading “Tasty and Healthy Homemade Granola”